Friday, July 3, 2009

An open letter to Mike Carey, author:


I've really enjoyed all of your novels, but I'd like to point something out. I'm not a critic, just a reader (and not a wannabe writer), and as such I hope you can take this on without feeling animosity as this problem stretches beyond just you in the writer's field (and I dig you, so I thought you should know, like an intervention).


Stop using that word. Please. It's like calling the sky blue, a smile happy, or the sun hot. It says everything and nothing all at the same time, and therefore is really non-descriptive. Personally I consider it a writers crutch at least, but lazy writing at best.

Your first novel did not contain (to my best recollection) a single use of the word. If it did, then it was past the 200 page mark where it's okay to bust out the dictionary / thesarous and look up another word for "wry" (also lazy). However; I lost count on your latest around the 5th time. Dude. You are better than that. I know you are because I've read your stuff. And this last one was pretty great too. With the exception of using the word 'sardonic' way too many times.

So; me not being the word police, and you being the author of your own stories, you can do what ever the you want with the above thoughts. I'm looking forward to the 5 Castor novel due out soon. I failed earlier to mention that I enjoy your writing so much that I ordered "Dead Men's Boots" & "Thicker Than Water" from the U.K., because I couldn't wait for them to be published where I am here in the U.S.A..

Keep 'sardonic' because it goes with the nior territory, but please use it when it's best effective, and not splattering it around like paint that will cover anything.

Take care,
